Thursday, 13 October 2011

II. following questions in English

II. Please answer the following questions in English !
  1. May atmospheric oxygen cause corrosion on metal.? Jawab : Yes, I can.
  2. Tell us some materials capable of conducting electric current! Jawab : Aqdeous solution of acids, bases, salts.
  3. How many classes of corrosion do you know ? Jawab : There are 4 classes : 
  • Atmospheri corrosion.
  • Gas corrosion.
  • Chemical corrosion.
  • Electrochemical corrosion.
  1. Explain brietly the chemical corrosion  Jawab : Chemical corrosion , that are to reaction between the metal and gasses or liquid dielectries.
  2. Which metal is most subject to corrosion ? Jawab : Iron and steel.
  3. How do you improve the corrosion of metals ? Jawab: The corrosion resistance of metals can be improved by adding alloying elements.
  4. What is the function of coating metal surface with paints or enamels ? Jawab : For corrosion protection.

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