Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Logical Connective

I.      Joint the following groups of sentences using appropriate “logical connective”.
1. Tankers usually operate as specialized vessels. Tankers sometimes operate as tramps.
2. Multi deck vessels have tween decks. Tween decks help stowage.
3. the crew saved the ship and the cargo.
Answers :

II. Join the following pairs of sentences together using “relative clauses”
1. Merchant ship carry the cargo. It may be divided into to basic types : bulk cargo and general cargo.
2. An officer may become the Master of his own ship. He has the right qualifications and experience.
3. Ventilators are positioned aver the cargo holds.
Air flows through these.
Answers :

III. Explain the following shipping terminologiy  in English.
Example For Underwater Welding
1. Cooler
2. Air compressors
3. Bulkheads
4. Double bottom tanks
5. Bulk cargo
6. Liners
7. Oil tankers
8. Generator
9. Welding
10. Full Speed Diesel Engine
Answers :
1. Cooler is part of the engine for cooling the engine when it’s running
2. Air compressor is equipment for produce the air pressure
3. Bulkheads is
4. Double bottom tanks is a tank for store oil or water spare.
5. Bulk cargo is a vessel for loading the cargo as like coal, wheat etc except oil.
6. Liners is a room for cylinder.
7. Oil tanker is a vessel for loading the oil.
8. Generator is an auxiliary engine for produce electric.
9. welding is way for joining metal or doubling if any leakage on metal
10. Full speed diesel engine is the highest rotation from the engine.

IV. Find the corresponding pairs on the right side.
1. Poor Lubrication causes …..          a.  lack of maintenance
2. Breakdowns result from …            b. carelessness
3. Heat loss leads to ………              c.  friction
4. Accidents are caused by……         d.  structural strain
5. Instability is the cause of…             e.  a reduction in power
                                                      f.   fuel economy

answers : 
1. d    2. c 3. f      4. b         5. e

V. Make these sentences into passive voice.
1. Outside companies usually do the electrical work, plumbing and any woodwork.
2. The owner accepted the ship from the builder.
3. Two men are welding the plates.
Answers :

VI. Translate the following sentences into Indonesia.
1. Although dry bulk cargo stows itself, it is important to maintain the ships stability an to make sure that
        the cargo will not move during the voyage.
2. the diesel engine is a form of internal combustion engine an its power is expressed as brake
        horsepower (bhp).
3. auxiliary machinery covers averything mechanical on board ship expect the main engines an boiler.
4. A viscosity regulator automatically controls the temperature of the oil fuel leaving the heater to
        maintain is viscosity within close limits.
Answers :
1. Meskipun muatan curah kering menempatkan dirinya sendiri, penting juga menjaga stabilitas kapal dan
        membuat muatan tidak bergerak selama pelayaran.
2. Mesin diesel adalah pembakaran didalam mesin dan tenaganya adalah berkekuatan seperti tenaga
3. Mesin Bantu semua yang bergerak titutup diatas kapal kecuali mesin induk dan ketel.
4. Pengatur kekentalan dicontrol secara otomatis tentang suhu bhan bakar pada pemanas untuk menjaga
        kekentalannya selama batas tertutup.

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